And yet we have a deficient economic system preventing us working on the worlds most pressing problems that machines can’t solve.
After the 2008 financial crash how many countries waving the flag of austerity have said there were no jobs when in fact there were children to be taught, the elderly & infirm who needed looking after, buildings that could be refurbished, green spaces to be nurtured & all the rest?
The dramatic growth of inequality, downward pressure on wages/income security & erosion of social agency as a result of globalisation, zero hour contracts & McJobs birthed the “precariat” that has now metastasised to the middle-classes giving rise to populist right-wing movements throughout the western world – Trump, Brexit & so forth.
Of course there are always jobs of meaning for every human being but unless we have an economic system that works for the many and in the interests of society rather than a minority then economic & technological determinism will continue to shaft society.
Democracy can only lead to agency when it is the voice of the people rather than financial institutions & corporations.